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crosoft Wi ndows Security - Sp yware Alert** Mi
crosoft Wi ndows is in fected wi th Tr ojan:SLocker **A cr
itical er ror has oc curred due to the ou tdated ve rsion of the br owser. Up date yo ur br owser as so on as possible.The fo
llowing er rors are al so po ssible on ou tdated ve rsions of the browser:A Mi
crosoft Wi ndows Security sc an has de tected po tentially un wanted ad ware on th is de vice th at can st eal pa sswords, online identities, fi nancial in formation, pe rsonal fi les, im ages, or documents.
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Please co ntact Mi crosoft Wi ndows Su pport im mediately to re port th is th reat, pr event sp oofing, and un lock ac cess to this
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